The leather motorcycle jacket is a timeless look. From Marlon Brando to the Ramones, this is a style that has definitely stood the test of time. Despite the look’s continued popularity over the years, it’s not always the easiest style to pull off. If not worn carefully, the leather moto-jacket can have you looking less like a symbol of classic Americana and more like a B-list Fonsi impersonator at the office 50s-themed party. In order to avoid this, I try to skip the whole white T-shirt and bluejeans combo when wearing leather. Instead, I go for a sweater to soften the look a bit. For footwear, suede boots work well and also help to tone down the overall look. Even skate shoes like low top vans pair nicely with the jacket (provided that they’re scuffed and well worn). Overall, this is a look that you can really go to town on. By mixing and matching various layers and accessories, you can end up with something that is truly your own.